Personalized Data Sheet of the facility on a network of highly specialized portals, translated into 9 indexed languages across Europe.
Online Booking
You can receive bookings directly from the web through our online booking portals.
Personalized Dem
Promotion options through personalized newsletters sent to highly targeted mailing lists.
Visibility on social media
We are the undisputed leaders on Facebook and Instagram and we are also growing on Youtube.
Personalized Data Sheet of the facility on a network of highly specialized portals, translated into 9 indexed languages across Europe.
Online Booking
You can receive bookings directly from the web through our online booking portals.
Personalized Dem
Promotion options through personalized newsletters sent to highly targeted mailing lists.
Visibility on social media
We are the undisputed leaders on Facebook and Instagram and we are also growing on Youtube.
KOOBCAMP has been operating in the tourism sector for over 12 years. It knows the dynamics of the web, tourism and promotion strategies perfectly.
30 highly specialized experts serving the network, constantly updated, constantly growing.
More than 1300 facilities have already benefited from the services offered by KOOBCAMP and achieved maximum returns.
Koobcamp S.r.l - Duca degli Abruzzi 2 - 10128 Torino (Italy) - TEL +39 - P.IVA/C.F. 10628300013
Capitale Sociale € 10.000 i.v. - Iscriz. Reg. Imprese di Torino n. 10628300013 - REA n. TO-1149456 - PEC: